Thursday, September 27, 2012

Work attire

So I started a new job as a secretary. I am the youngest worker at this business everyone else is the age of 30 or older. I showed up my first day coming straight from school (my boss knowing this) and I was completely underdressed. I was wearing jeans and a tan lace top with a pink cami underneath with flop flops. I am going to work for my second day on Saturday and I plan to dress better. I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard but I don't want to look like I'm a kid. So I need your help.

If anyone thinks of something business casual that would be appropriate for work please comment or email me. I will post more about this and some ideas I have tomorrow.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Easy art with glue and salt

I thought this art looked really cool. It's also really easy. All you do is take a canvase or paper and paint it with water color however you like. I think it looks best to make the painting abstract because the glue and salt completely change the look of it. Then you drizzle glue on the painting and sprinkle some salt on it. After it all dries the salt will sparkle and create a starburst effect.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

DIY Tshirt pockets

These are plain tshirts with an added touch by just a pocket. You could do this to Tshirt or plain sweaters or even tank tops. You could all cover the pockets of jeans with patterned fabrics. Just thought this was cute and that you should all see it. I really like the black Tshirt with crazy patterned pocket. It gives that scapula look a little extra special touch.

I thought this was really cute and I'm planning on doing this eventually but not now.

Blog over load

Hi guys! So I know I haven't posted anything in a long time but I have been thinking of blogs . So I am going to do a blog blast about random things that pop into my head. Trust me there is a lot in there. I hope u all liked the beginning of my DIY series that I didn't really finish. I kinda went into a DIY over load and completely shut down.

DIY's are great but you have to have a lot of time. Especially when doing more than one or perfecting them for other people. I tried my best to get you all some good ones. I will try to post more and keep up with my blog but I am also going to blog about other things. Also I may not do all the DIY I may just see one and think someone will like it and just post it on here.

I am beginning my blog blast tonight. Thankfully I don't have school tomorrow so I will be posting a series of blogs tonight and some tomorrow but I don't know how many for sure.

Keep reading and tell your friends :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DIY School Spirit

Super easy DIY for school! Sorting events and pep-rallies are the best place to show your school spirit. They best way to express your school spirit is though what you wear. So an easy way to do this is to make a one of a kind Tshirt to show your spirit and have fun.
All you will need is a Tshirt of choice. I just went to the dollar store and got a cheep white shit. You will also need sizzors, fabric marker, and anything else you will like to use. Then you justk are the shirt and make it look how you want. Our theme for the football game is "rip 'em up" so I took my shirt and fringed it, made it off the shoulder, and cut little holes in it to give it that ripped effect. 

And this it what it looks like

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cheeta print nails

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know I promised a few DIY's but my weekend was crazy so I only got to do one. The good news is today while I was at work I got a long break and did my nails so I will tell you about them and post about my DIY tomorrow so I can put pictures of it.:)

These are my Rainbow cheetah nails that are not as hard as they look. Basically if u know how to make dots you can do these. Ok so all u have to do is choose your colors. I chose to make my cheetah  five different colors so I could make my toe nails all different colors. You could also just choose one color. First you start out by painting your nails the base color of your choice (white).  Then you make dots of the other color that you want to be your cheetah print (pink, orange, blue, purple, yellow). Once that has dried you take the color you want to outline your cheetah with and apply it too the edge making small C's. I have nail polish pens that is what I used to make mine with but you could also just dit a pencil or tooth pick in the paint. Then to finish you apply a top coat and were them with pride. If you try this email me pictures!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

DIY tips and tricks

    I don't know about you guys but I really liked the way my jeans turned out. Seeing how well they looked inspired me to do a little research of DIY clothing projects. DIY is a great way to turn old clothes into new styles or add a desired clothing item to your wardrobe knowing its a one of a kind piece and it didn't break the bank.
      Two cute styles I am seeing this fall is lace and bright colors. I love both the styles but I don't love the prices. I worked at two jobs all sommer and I'm proud of the money I made. Going back to school recently of corse I have to go school shopping but my parents make me pay for the clothes. I wanted to get cute clothes for good prices and anymore I feel like we pay way to much for clothes. Lace tops can cost up to $30 dollars alone. I don't want to pay that much for a top that has barely any fabric to it. This inspired me to try to make due with I have or sow my own clothes. DIY combines both of these and most projects are quick, easy, look cute, and best of all cost very little.
     Tips for the best DIY possible.....
Figure out what you want and before you go looking at stores, look online to see if it can be a DIY! If your DIY consists of needing some supplies see what you have around your house and see if you can substitute some items. If you don't have the clothing you need or don't want to use what u already have go to thrift stores to look for it. Don't be ashamed! I'm planning on doing at least 5 more DIY clothing projects and I'm just going to go to goodwill to buy used clothes. This way I do not spend a lot of money on the clothes if something in the project goes wrong or I don't like the way it looks. If you don't have a particular project you want to do but you want to try to do a DIY then just google DIY projects or look up tutorials on YouTube. The more time you spend looking up DIY's the cuter items you will find. You could also just experiment and make your own DIY project. If you know how to sow DIY's are the perfect way to recreate clothes. Ive watched a lot of tutorials that show people using a shirt that they love the fit of and tracing it onto their fabric of choice.
   This weekend I am hoping to work on more DIY projects and post them on here. I am going to try to put videos up so you guys can hear and see what I'm doing without me having to post pictures for every step. If that doesn't work I will try to make a vlog and attach links so I can post on both.
     I hope I'm helping you out and giving you helpfull information. Feel free to send me an email at or comment in here about anything XOXO