Thursday, September 6, 2012

DIY School Spirit

Super easy DIY for school! Sorting events and pep-rallies are the best place to show your school spirit. They best way to express your school spirit is though what you wear. So an easy way to do this is to make a one of a kind Tshirt to show your spirit and have fun.
All you will need is a Tshirt of choice. I just went to the dollar store and got a cheep white shit. You will also need sizzors, fabric marker, and anything else you will like to use. Then you justk are the shirt and make it look how you want. Our theme for the football game is "rip 'em up" so I took my shirt and fringed it, made it off the shoulder, and cut little holes in it to give it that ripped effect. 

And this it what it looks like

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